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Jesus welcomed everyone; that is our aim, too. Whether you're here for the first time or the thousandth, we count ourselves blessed by your presence.

Church Services:

Sundays - 9:30 a.m.

Office Hours
Monday – Friday
9:00 a.m. - 4:00 pm.

“Develop a passion for learning.
If you do, you will never cease to grow.”

CROSS BUILDING FUND - Contributions to the Building Fund are appreciated as we need funds for our upcoming payments. Please consider a Building Fund contribution. Thank you in advance.


MAILBOXES - Please check your mailboxes and take your mail, envelopes, and yearly statements!


SECURITY PROCEDURES - Beginning August 21, 2023, all doors to the church and school will be kept locked during regular school and daycare hours. This is common practice for both public and parochial schools in our area and will provide an extra measure of safety for our students. The church council has approved the

  • All church visitors should use the Office Entrance during normal office hours. If possible, please call ahead to let the office know you Will be coming.

  • Upon arrival, press the doorbell by the office entrance doors. You may be asked to give your name and reason for the visit. The door will then be unlocked for you to enter.

  • Upon entering the building, visitors must sign in at the office. They will need to sign out when they leave.


PHONE BLAST - Please stop by the church office to fill out a one-call form if you are not receiving "phone blast" calls for updates on activities, event reminders, and cancellation notifications. This is a wonderful way for important church and school communications to reach more members and friends. You are provided an option at the end of the "phone blast" message to opt out at any time.


REGISTRATION - If you know of any family that is interested in a solid Christian Education for their child/children, please ask them to consider Cross Lutheran School. They can contact the office for more information or to register.


FAMILY FRIENDLY ZONE - Families with small children need easy access to the exits. We would like to keep the last two rows of pews in the church available for them. Please keep this in mind when selecting your seating.


LIFT HIGH THE CROSS GARDEN - We are offering the opportunity to purchase a brick for the garden.  You may purchase a brick for $70 for yourself or a family member. Contact June Sturm for more information at 989-453-2575.


DISASTER QUILTERS - The Cross Disaster quilters have sent 132 quilts, 4 pet blankets, l6 layettes, and 3 cloth kangaroo bags to the NALC Disaster Relief Warehouse since January 1st of this year. We’d like to thank all of you who make it possible for our church to do this mission Work here in the U.S. Some people tie quilts, make tops at home, search for backs, make sure the batting we need is ordered, donate material and get Thrivent cards for shipping. Unfortunately, the costs of batting and shipping have gone up. Batting is purchased 3 times a year and costs about $300 per order. It costs $250 per shipment 4 times a year. If you’d like to help our group continue this work and would like to donate, just write “Quilters” on your Benevolence envelope and put it in the collection plate.












PIGEON FOOD PANTRY - Due to the high price of everything now days, the Pigeon Food Pantry has seen an increase in a need for food assistance to many in our community. They are therefore is need of more donations from those of us who are able. They need shelf stable food and personal items as well as cash to buy fresh meat and milk. Please consider a donation this week! There are collection boxes in the entryways and checks can be marked for Pigeon Food Panty. - Mission Outreach Ministry

DONATIONS are now being accepted for “Coats for Kids”. New or gently used coats, sizes infant to adult, may be
dropped off at local businesses, Pigeon District Library, and schools in the Pigeon and Caseville area through October 1st. Winter hats, gloves, & mittens are also needed. Cash donations are also being accepted. Monetary Donations may be sent to Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church, Coats for Kids, 6253 Main St., Caseville, Ml 48725. Make checks payable to Our Lady of Perpetual Help Women’s Society, memo line Coats for Kids.


LOOKING FOR PHOTOS: In preparation for our pipe organ's 60th birthday, the Worship and Music committee is looking for old photos of the pipe organ, especially those from the old church building as well as the moving of the pipe organ to our present building in l980. If you can lend any photos, please see Karen Schuette or any committee member.


COMMUNION SERVICES - will be scheduled for the first Sunday of each month and on Festival days.


OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD SHOE-BOX PROJECT - will be here before we know it! Now is the perfect time to get school supplies for the shoeboxes at great prices! Notebooks, glue sticks, scissors, crayons, markers, colored pencils, sharpeners, erasers, pens, pencils, paper, etc. Also start watching for deals on summer clothing, toys, and more! God bless you for your generosity! - Cross Mission/ Outreach Ministry


WEDNESDAY NIGHT BIBLE STUDY - Will continue in the fall.

SAVE THE DATE - Cross Chicken BBQ is scheduled for Sunday, September 15th. Volunteers will be needed, please watch for sign-up sheets coming soon in the overflow area!



Monday 9/9
Tuesday 9/10

Wednesday 9/11
Thursday 9/12
Sunday 9/15

Bells at 6:00 p.m., Choir at 7:00 p.m.
Daycare Board 3:30 p.m.
Council 7:00 p.m.
Chapel 8:05 a.m.
Quilters 1:00 p.m.
Worship Service 9:30 a.m.
Chicken BBQ 11:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.

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